Featured Resource: SchoolJournalism.org

Featured Resource: SchoolJournalism.org

The American Society of News Editors’ Youth Journalism Initiative, schooljournalism.org, offers many resources for high school media advisers, including lesson plans and training modules for at no cost. Topics cover journalism fundamentals, such as news literacy and journalism ethics, and lessons for multimedia storytelling and design and data reporting. Visit schooljournalism.org to check out the toolbox.

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Save the date! The Fall Conference is Sept. 19

Save the date! The Fall Conference is Sept. 19

Mark your calendars for the 2019 GSPA Fall Conference, which will be held on Thursday, Sept. 19, at The Classic Center in downtown Athens, Georgia.

The new venue will better accommodate the growth in attendance and provide space for a keynote speaker and presentation of summer contest awards in front of all attendees. Furthermore, there will be a scheduled lunch break, which will give attendees the opportunity to explore some of the best local eateries in Athens.

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