Enter the 2022 First Amendment Essay contest by Feb. 28

GSPA is now accepting entries for the 2022 First Amendment Essay Competition. As an essential part of our democracy, the press and education, the First Amendment remains an important area of study and review. Students should write 300-500 words addressing the following prompt:

Do you believe that public schools should be able to punish students for their off-campus speech? This was the question addressed by the U.S. Supreme Court in Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L.(2021). Some people say “yes,” schools should be allowed to punish off-campus speech for purposes such as protecting students from bullying or preventing disruptions at school. Others say “no” because it invites schools to punish students for unpopular or controversial speech and because off-campus speech is the responsibility of parents to regulate. What are your thoughts on this issue and what arguments support your position?

The essay must have the name of the entrant, high school and publication listed at the top of each page. Entries must be typed in a single-spaced document. Students must complete the contest entry form to be considered. The top three winners and their publications will receive monetary prizes.

For full participation rules, visit ugagspa.org/first-amendment. The deadline for entries is Feb. 28, 2022.